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  • Writer's picturePeter Lamont, Esq.

Why You Need a Lawyer to Represent You in a Lawsuit

Lawsuits are complex legal matters that require a thorough understanding of the law and legal procedures. A person or business that tries to handle a lawsuit without an attorney is at a significant disadvantage. Even if the lawsuit seems simple and straightforward, there may be legal nuances and technicalities that can make a big difference in the outcome.

Pro Se Representation

Pro se representation refers to the act of representing oneself in a legal proceeding, such as a lawsuit, without the assistance of an attorney. This can occur for a variety of reasons, such as financial constraints or a desire to have more control over the legal process.

Why You need an Attorney if You Are Sued

While it is possible to represent oneself in a lawsuit, it is generally not recommended. The legal system is complex and nuanced, and a lack of legal expertise can put the pro se litigant at a significant disadvantage.

Here are some reasons why you should never try to handle a lawsuit without an attorney:

  1. Lack of legal knowledge: Attorneys have extensive knowledge of the law and legal procedures. They understand the legal process and can guide you through the legal system. Without this knowledge, you may miss important deadlines or fail to comply with legal requirements, which could harm your case.

  2. Emotional involvement: Lawsuits can be emotionally charged and stressful. An attorney can provide an objective perspective and help you make rational decisions based on the facts and the law, rather than your emotions.

  3. Legal strategy: An attorney can develop a legal strategy that is tailored to your specific case. They can anticipate the arguments that the other side will make and prepare a strong response.

  4. Negotiation skills: Many lawsuits are settled out of court through negotiations. An attorney can negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you get the best possible outcome.

  5. Courtroom experience: If your case goes to trial, an attorney can represent you in court and present a strong case on your behalf. They have experience with court procedures and know how to handle evidence and witnesses.

If Your Business is Sued

If your business is being sued, it is important to note that a business or LLC cannot represent itself without an attorney. A business entity is a separate legal entity, and it cannot act on its own behalf in court. It must be represented by an attorney.

Under New Jersey Law, “Corporate entities must be represented in court by an authorized attorney. See Globe Media Grp., LLC v. Cisneros, 403 N.J. Super. 574, 577 (App. Div. 2008); Olympic Indus. Park v. P.L., Inc., 208 N.J. Super. 577, 580-81 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 104 N.J. 453 (1986).” Leora Dubrovsky Realty Grp., LLC v. Tedesco, No. A-3490-10T2 (App. Div. Apr. 17, 2012) (slip op. at 14)


In conclusion, lawsuits are complex legal matters that require the expertise of an attorney. Trying to handle a lawsuit without an attorney can result in costly mistakes and unfavorable outcomes. It is important to hire an experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process and protect your interests.

Do you have questions about civil litigation or defending a lawsuit? If so, contact us Today at our Bergen County Office. Call Us at (201) 904-2211 or email Us at


If you would like more information about this post or if you want to discuss your legal matter with an attorney at the Law Offices of Peter J. Lamont, please contact me at or at (201) 904-2211. Don't forget to check out and subscribe to our podcast and YouTube channel. We have hundreds of podcasts and videos concerning a variety of business and legal topics. I look forward to answering any questions that you might have.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this website and post are intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. The contents of this website and the posting and viewing of the information on this website should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal or tax advice in any particular circumstance or fact situation. Nothing on this website is an offer to represent you, and nothing on this website is intended to create an attorney‑client relationship. An attorney-client relationship may only be established through direct attorney‑to‑client communication that is confirmed by the execution of an engagement agreement.

As with any legal issue, it is important that you obtain competent legal counsel before making any decisions about how to respond to a subpoena or whether to challenge one - even if you believe that compliance is not required. Because each situation is different, it may be impossible for this article to address all issues raised by every situation encountered in responding to a subpoena. The information below can give you guidance regarding some common issues related to subpoenas, but you should consult with an attorney before taking any actions (or refraining from acts) based on these suggestions. Separately, this post will focus on New Jersey law. If you receive a subpoena in a state other than New Jersey you should immediately seek the advice of an attorney in your state as certain rules differ in other states.

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