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Peter Lamont, Esq.
Feb 57 min read
Employment Best Practices: Pre-Employment Phase
This Employment best practices post will provide a basic primer on pre-employment screening and hiring laws and provide some suggestions for

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jan 176 min read
The Importance of Safety Training in the Workplace
Managing risk is a fundamental part of any supervisor’s responsibilities, but when deadlines loom and pressures mount, safety training can s

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Sep 25, 20233 min read
The Perils of Generic Online Non-Compete Agreements
it might be tempting for small business owners to download a generic non-compete agreement and have their employees sign it.

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jan 6, 20235 min read
FTC Wants to Prohibit Non-Compete Agreements
On Jan. 5, 2021, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed prohibiting non-compete agreements among employers that could impede...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jan 19, 20224 min read
VR is Changing the Way We Do Business
Virtual Reality is revolutionizing the way we do business. It's not just for entertainment anymore! Companies are using VR to train their em

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Nov 4, 20213 min read
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Rules Effective January 4, 2022
The mandate, which affects tens of millions of Americans who work at companies with 100 or more employees, sets a deadline of January 4

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Apr 8, 20213 min read
Pennies from Heaven . . . Or Not. Can an Employee be Paid in Pennies?
Money is money as some people say, but does that mean that an employer can pay people in pennies? Well, according to the New York Times,...
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