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Peter Lamont, Esq.
Mar 3, 20234 min read
Why You Need a Lawyer to Represent You in a Lawsuit
Lawsuits are complex legal matters that require a thorough understanding of the law and legal procedures. A person or business that tries...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Mar 1, 20235 min read
Understanding Negligence in Civil Litigation
Negligence is a legal theory that forms the basis of many civil lawsuits. It occurs when someone fails to take reasonable care and causes...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Feb 27, 20234 min read
Understanding a Defendant's Duty to Mitigate Damages
In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff seeks to recover damages from the defendant for harm caused by the defendant's actions. However, to...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Feb 21, 20235 min read
Moving Time? Removing a Lawsuit to Federal Court
A lawsuit can be brought in state court or federal court, depending on the nature of the claim and the parties involved. However, there...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jan 31, 20236 min read
Who Owns Your Tattoos? | Copyright Lawsuits Involving Tattoos
Who Owns Your Tattoos? You may be surprised to learn that copyright laws cover most tattoos, which means that the artist who created it...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jan 25, 20234 min read
AI-Powered Robot Lawyers Are Coming To Court
For the first time ever, a robot lawyer is set to appear in court on behalf of a defendant. Joshua Browder, CEO of DoNotPay, announced...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jan 3, 20235 min read
The Benefits of Office Desk and Digital File Organization
Organizing your space, whether physical or digital, can make a world of difference in the long run. With National Clean off Your Desk Day...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Dec 5, 20225 min read
Why is it Critical to Respond to a Lawsuit or Complaint Quickly?
When you are served with a lawsuit or complaint, it is critical to respond quickly. If you do not, you may face negative consequences,...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Nov 17, 20229 min read
Tell it to the Judge . . . But Can You?
In this video, attorney Peter Lamont discusses a common misconception about a person's ability to explain their situation to a judge...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Nov 15, 20229 min read
Arbitration vs. Mediation
In our recent video, Peter discusses the differences between Arbitration and Mediation. Read the transcript below or watch the video...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Nov 3, 20226 min read
A Christmas Story Christmas Lawsuit
Are you a fan of the movie, A Christmas A Story? If so, have you seen the brand-new trailer for the sequel? HBO Max shared a new trailer...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jul 13, 20226 min read
5 Steps to Follow if You Have Been Sued | Summons and Complaint
Nobody looks forward to being served with a summons and complaint. However, it is important that if you are served that you understand...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jul 11, 20226 min read
Motions to Dismiss and Motions for Summary Judgment: What's the Difference? |Peter J. Lamont, Esq.
Motions to dismiss and motions for summary judgment are both types of pretrial motions that can be filed in a civil case. A motion to...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Jul 5, 20225 min read
What is a Cause of Action ?| Peter J. Lamont, Esq.
Litigation attorneys often refer to causes of action when they are discussing a complaint or a lawsuit. While the term "cause of action"...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
May 18, 20226 min read
Tortious Interference: What Your Company Needs To Know
Tortious interference occurs when someone intentionally interferes with your business relationships or interests.

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Apr 20, 20226 min read
How Does Your Personality Impact Your Lawsuit? | Understanding the Law
One important factor that you must consider when facing a lawsuit is your own personality and what impact it will have on the case.

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Apr 14, 20227 min read
What Should You Do If You Are Served With a Complaint?
Being served with a complaint can be a daunting experience. You might feel like you're in over your head, and you don't know where to...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Feb 8, 20226 min read
What is a Subpoena and What Should I Do If My Business Receives One?
It is not uncommon for businesses of all sizes to be served with a subpoena. This is what you should do if you receive one.

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Oct 16, 20214 min read
Motion to Dismiss vs. Summary Judgment in New Jersey | What's the Difference?
By: Peter J. Lamont, Esq. Most of us have encountered the terms, Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Summary Judgment. Perhaps you read it...

Peter Lamont, Esq.
Sep 7, 20213 min read
Can a Business Represent Itself if it is Sued in New Jersey?
Having an attorney to represent your business is especially important if your company is in New Jersey
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